
Fact Check v1: Franken is a Dumbass

I was relatively uninterested in the entire healthcare debate until after a Ritalin bender I decided to cruise on over to the Huffington Post, a great place when you're up and bitter. This video was posted (along with some of the most absurd and ill-informed comments):

This seems to be in collusion with most user comments, with Franken grandstanding his "affront on the lying liars." Now, in all fairness of the debate:

How lovely is it that he accuses Thune of not reading the bill while admitting that he in fact was not even following the SD Senator's speech and grossly distorted many of the facts being made. Franken mentions how there will be a premium cap on health insurance as a day-one benefit. That's not a benefit; that's legislation. I guess you can't blame him for a lack of understanding what the poverty line is.


How to rip Music from Youtube, the Space Cakes method

I have finally opened up my rather limited iTunes folder (from a leftover product from when I used to have an iPod) by converting songs from the vast bootlegged wealth prevalent on Youtube!

First step:
Download Greasemonkey and then download the Youtube Video and Audio Downloader as a script. Also, you're going to want this free video-to-audio converter.

Second step:
Go to the Youtube music page of your choice and under the video screen there should be an option that states Download MP4 as shown:

Click the button and it'll save do your Firefox Downloads folder (typically stored in My Documents) as video.mp4. Once that download's finished, right click and open containing folder. Name it something handy.

Third step:
Open the Free M4A to MP3 converter and find this file. Click convert in the upper-right corner and it will save that file as an mp3 in the same Downloads folder. Throw some id3 tags on it via iTunes and you're set!



Suck heat, Central America!

This rant is being propelled by a Yahoo! News article about how Central American nations are going to address the upcoming world climate convention about financial compensation for damages caused by "global warming."

First and foremost to those involved in this money grab, fuck you!

Second, there is no conclusive evidence that global warming does exist and certain recent leaked e-mails are casting doubt on this scientific shamefest.

Third, is Central America immune from weather phenomena? I don't see how you can attribute destructive weather to "climate change" when it's not possible to prove if these storms (or whatever they're complaining about) would have happened regardless of industrialization.

Fourth, if we are to assume that "global warming" is in fact happening, who should pay the most and how are you going to force countries that aren't involved in the climate talks to pay? I just don't understand how it will be possible to determine who owes what and that those nations guilted by their own scientists will end up paying for other nations' pollution. Do you really think India, China, and Brazil are going to shame up and pay up?

And finally, 105 billion dollars? Fuck you.



Is anybody out there using Wave at all? If so, friend me up at oceansofcake@googlewave.com and if you don't have it, let me know and I'll try to drop an invite! So far I cannot tell you anything about Wave because I just joined up and have zero friends on there. Sad, right?


Apple Quality?

Yesterday I committed an unspeakable tragedy: I (temporarily) bricked my computer. I'm in the computer lab right now, disparaged because my attempts to use the school's computers to burn an ISO failed (almost tried rainbow tables) and decided to log onto Facebook. Blah blah, so anyway I was asked to download Quicktime 7 to make the features I rarely use run supposedly better. I laughed when I saw their thanks page:

Fantastic Four, really? The movie with a 5.8/10 IMDB, a 26% Rotten Tomato, and (most important of all) a 40/100 on Metacritic? This led me to a few better ideas as to what to show:

Meet the Feebles




Advertisements Revisited

I came across this ad on Myspace today (after remembering that I had an account):

Now, where have I seen this before? OH YEAH!


The Conquest of Facebook

Aha, I have finally achieved Facebook dominance! I have decided to become active in the groups communities. So far I have coauthored one group and conspired in the successful takeover of another. Did you know that if the original administrators of a group leave the game, administrator status is up for grabs? Billy took over a Facebook group dedicated to Twilight that I had joined earlier in hopes of finding a group dedicated to Deep 13, the Mad's basement. I encourage all to openly join! Here is the legitimate group, the Fan Girl Fan Club:
I hope this link works!

Now, the hijacked group, After reading Twilight I cried hysterically and went into deep depression.

... don't laugh! Also, do you like some of the new tracks I uploaded to my page? Let me know in the comments! Also, to my Mafia Wars friends, I have finally hit onek worth of energy! It feels soooo nice ^^.

Oh! I have also decided that I am going to make a name for myself on Youtube. Expect me to post numerous Youtube videos in the coming days (a collection of pop culture obscurities and personal favorites(check out my videos playlist in a few days time)).


Best Advert Ev'ah

Found this gem today:

edit (3:33 10/11): A new contender has emerged:


Catchiest Song on Earth Discovered!

This is based on no official poll. This was just stuck in my head for about three weeks. Now I can fortunately exorcise it from my skull! :3


WebReview: whatdoestheinternetthink?net

A friend of mine (who is currently in the room, meaning I cannot type this while speaking it in an open monologue) suggested this site called WhatDoesTheInternetThink. Naturally suspicious, I proceeded to test the site out. While there are some examples that make perfect sense (Hello Kitty: 100% positive), I decided to test some examples of accuracy to see if this is truly a powerful gauge of our conscious. Here's the breakdown, in no alphebetical order whatsoever:

Gigli (63.9% positive)
Plan 9 from Outer Space (96.3% positive)
Road House (95.5% positive)
Manos: The Hands of Fate (76.7% positive)
The Room (100% positive (to note, this wasn't specific of the movie as this Twitter note demonstrates: "going over storage ideas for the laundry room. Hard to visiualize but I think we have some good ideas. Lowes rocks!"))
From Justin to Kelly (83.3% positive)
Leonard Part 6 (71.4% positive)
Glitter (54.6% positive) Getting better!
Soul Plane (63.2%) Ok, these are getting closer to the truth, so I'm off this subject now.

I don't know what the kids listen to these days? Lady gaga overwhelmingly positive? I believe it!

I'm also not touching those push-button issues, because those are just stupid. So there you have it! Granted, many issues are just with the search methods involved and they are not truly reflective of how everyone feels. For instance, there is NO way that FJTK could be so high.

Pop music conspiracy!

I cannot believe it took me this long to become aware of it. People, I present to you the greatest scandal to hit the pop airwaves! Exhibit A:


Unfocused and Out of Film

You know how some artists have that one point where they just become maddening and lose most sense with reality, wandering depraved? I feel like that and I am by no means an artist or near that point as of so far in life. Where do people justify their lives? Is everybody else not putting enough thought into the concept or is that just me? I feel that what we are all experiencing is depravity, a sense of despair which is made sustainable through the usage of debt and possession. It's not that I am immune from these things, but more trapped by my former desire of such things, like so many others. If I could, I would have never went to college, gotten those credit cards, went to college (again), overdrafted, and spent every penny I have on an institution that I care nothing about for a reward that means little to me.
Am I doing this wrong? College is always made to look like that place where people find themselves and enjoy scant freedom. I found myself, and it made me realize that I cannot stand college and I feel that it's almost robbing me of my personal life. It's a sad state: cannot stand college/unwilling to make an effort, but would be wasted in doing working-class material. Some in my predicament rise up and tap into personal talents, but I don't feel the drive to do even that. I procrastinate because I don't know how to handle. I ignore because awareness pays just as little to me. I dodge reality for a living. It's more challenging than the standard work week and leaves me just as unfulfilled.


The Problem with Trusting the Internet

Time to start this on the defensive. I am a massive MST3K fan, but am too cheap/poor to afford the ridiculous prices for those lackluster bundle packs being shipped out by Rhino. So to them I say, "up yours with your ridiculous prices and whatnots!" My other option, apart from watching them on Youtube, is just to torrent them. Using Pirate Bay trackers, I am currently downloading the complete collection (well, if the ktma eps are there in full). My stats?

Seeds: Peers: Down Speed:
3(12) 42(1037) 11.0kB/s

Way to go, Internet. *facepalm*

Edit: I should also mention that this file is 135 gigs in size and my ETA is three years. Thanks again, Internet.

UPDATE: 5(14) 46(1113) 150.2kB/s 2 weeks, 4 days


I Underestimated Microsoft

That's right. I underestimated Microsoft. I torrented Fallout 3 (I swear I have a copy, nyuuuh XP) and need to install Games for Windows-Live in order to have the precious xlive.dll file. Games for Windows also creates an XBox Live account for you. I don't own a 360 and don't plan on owning one either(that controller's just too spaceoff for me), but if I want that file I still need to make one. Also, the desired handle spacecakes was not available, and Microsoft gave me the single greatest alternative ever: So without further adieu, I introduce: FascistStraw.


it would appear that fate is going to be kind to me. I can still legally import cloves via the Internet (I assume customs won't fuck with my package). I will have to abandon my loverly Bali Hais, but there are always Blacks. They even have tea- and cappuccino-flavored Blacks in Indonesia! Also, I think I'm going to work toward selling my body for medical experimentation. I really don't want to get a job again. Would you really want to hear about how my day went then? BBOOORRRRIIINNNNGGGGG. I hope to have cash, cigs, and also I'm going to knock out my homework this weekend, starting later today. Now that I have a reason to live again :D I feel the need to succeed in order to keep myself flowing with cloves and expensive sauces. Also, I plan on moving out of the dorms, buying a big-ass TV, and returning to a life of comfort and stylish antics. Reboot!

PS: Listen to Dubstep



I went in for my monthly psychiatrist visit and was given quite the treat today. It seems that every time I go in there they trial-and-error a new prescription on me, and the flavor of the month this time is Wellbutrin. My opinions? I have a stomachache, brain shocks, am more irritable than the elderly who don't have a mall to walk, and just feel absolutely miserable. I fucking hate this. I'm tired of being bumped from godawful antidepressants to what was probably the best one yet (Ritalin) back to antidepressants! I'm not begging for fun pills or anything, just something that bloody works. *sigh* I'm currently missing class because I just don't feel like I could bring myself to go. I just feel too strange. I hate this. I cannot go on like this any longer..... I just want something that works.

In Memory Of....

clove cigarettes. They were banned yesterday under FDA implementation. The killer? Our current President, Mr. Obama (you know, the smoker). He signed legislation allowing a government office to control production of a privately-owned company. They stated it was to discourage teen smoking, but even the FDA's own research stated that adolescent clove smokers account for only 2% for all cigarette smokers in that age group. So, without further adieu, I hereby say I miss you, Bali Hai, and that I hope you are still blowing smoke rings in Tobacco Heaven.


These are my new hours...

I have officially become a night person, which means that I have been playing an unhealthy number of video games again. Unfortunately, I cannot reinstall Battlefield 2142 (one of my favorite shooters x.x). As a coping mechanism, I am redownloading Anarchy Online just because I've been having the craving yet again to play an MMO, run around, and then uninstall it. That's why I don't play any of the paying ones. It's a free game if anyone would care to join me (Funcom ID:spacecakes). If so, I'll shower you with love and gifts for just giving me someone to play with instead of just myself. :3


The Dilemma

...screw it. The last blog is a lost thought and I have difficulty enough being linear and progressive. Anyway, my sincere dilemma: where are you supposed to meet singles in the fucking Midwest in a college town? The only thing my compatriot and I can think of is the bar/pub/nightclub. The pressing issues? It's poorly lit. You're drunk. She's drunk. You're in an unofficial competition with the other wankers who exist in such a predicament and it's difficult to pull of such a move without appearing forthcoming. I am completely unsure about the status of my current relationship and am completely unsure if I can ever truly let go. My mind is toying with the idea that it could in fact be over but I have no idea anymore. I'm straight slipping in every facet of my life. My days have deteriorated into staying up late, playing PS, and and watching reruns of Seinfeld and Guy Ritchie movies. Welcome to the bachelor life.


The "What's Hot" of my Personal Time Wasters

For some reason, I felt like doing a list. It could very well reflect a lack of creativity on my part in writing this entry or something more apathetic than that. Alas, I shall drudge on with what I am currently watching/listening/playing as if it really matters: o.-

While not exactly the easiest thing to find, it's just one of the lesser-known weird 80s animated features. The one here people will be most familiar with would be Ôtomo (director of Akira), but the surreal work of Rintaro and futuristic Kawajiri should also be noted for the quality being brought to this wholly unique work.

This is where it's at. Fine-as-silk dubstep without ignoring the variety that can be found within the genre....

....and wham! Just like that I am already exhausted for the night. I shall resume this at a later time. I hope I didn't mess up the html, because I'm not going back to correct it tonight in case it's wrong! x.x~



Why did it take me so long to watch this again? It's the last time I saw a slapping fight that ended cutely:


More pie!

Ah, it's great to be back. No more ignoring the Google gods who offer me pennies on the dollar and no more abandoning my ideas because they "didn't make sense" or were "entirely unrealistic." After some discussion with my roommate and future copilot (not sexually) we have decided that this could act as a starting vehicle for what we hope to be doing in the future: an organic multimedia project. That's just a buzzword for blogging, linking, videos, and other fun little ditties. But until those surface, I have merely this to pass the time:

It's tha new style!

With blog posts as inconsistent as mine, it's quite safe to say that all two people that may have been watching this have assumed I've abandoned the trade. Well.......... basically. I just haven't felt that my current stage in life is worth speaking of. I don't think I could just gloss over the finer details that are truly affecting my composure. But alas, I'll just continue on regardless with an update (edited, of course).

I'm at UND taking Visual Arts. I am finally reunited with Billy, my creative alter ego. I am financially destitute with no exit strategy in mind (hell, even this semester isn't paid for yet). I haven't heard from my significant other in what seems to be a month. I am car-less. I just hope to survive this semester because academic suspension is a death sentence for me, and all I want to do is just fuck around with the university's AV equipment.

As I am killing time in the library, I have pondered many of the oddities of life and have come up with a few conclusions. One, this is all pointless. Two, some people are actually just content when they say they are ecstatic about their life. Three, there is no wrong lifestyle choice as long as you can make it feasible. Finally, we as a culture are not working hard enough to nurture the minds that will one day have the power of dominance. I will elaborate on this later, since I feel like really restarting this, especially since I am anticipating creating my own small videograms (or vlogs, or short films, or Youtube snippets, or whatever you call them). All I do know is that college is merely a method to pass the time while you wait to sink yourself into cultural ideals that don't enable the escapists to mentally roam. *sigh* The optimism is gone; now just a desire to exact counterculture revenge via subtlety remains. :3


Updatez for teh Massez!

Well, I have quasi-good news since the last time we spoke. I was fortunate enough to be given the opportunity (pending) to finish those classes that as of now are chock full of FAIL. Basically in order to salvage them I needed to have a medical reason, and unfortunately I had one of those. Yes, I have joined............... the zombies.

I have been on Zoloft for about a week now and besides very bizarre side effects, I do feel an upswing in my mood and self esteem balanced with a higher rate of lethargy. Ah yes, quite the absent combo.

Also, download NeoTokyo, goddammit! I just picked this up today and all you need is a Valve game with Source so you can download the SDK Base. Trust me, it's worth it.

Also also, I've been watching a lot of really terrible movies, but it's all intentional as some of these have turned out to be true gems. Case in point: The Girl's Rebel Force of Competitive Swimmers. As mentioned, it's terrible but just absurdly entertaining (to me) at the same time. Plus, they have the most unique weapon of a v....... well, I'll just leave that for you to find out. NSFW!


CMead: Making the Rest of you Look Better

I demand comments: what do you think of the Youtube playlist I uploaded to the blog? I'm trying to figure out how to randomize and I hope to have more tracks included to it in the coming weeks (hope you like texxmo!). Time for the daily shame:

College essentially fell apart. I have been under a tidal wave of stress and just decided to abandon the classes that I was teetering on failing. I was truly expecting this semester to be different, but external(life) and internal(school) stimuli were compounding my tolerance and I buckled under the pressure. I hope to still attend for fall, but of course there is opposition to this movement. I realize that summer was not for me, with its condensed workload and isolated atmosphere. To simplify... this totally sucks. This sucks more than a Dyson. This sucks more than a whirlpool. This... okay, I've ran out of those, but the point is clear. I understand my strengths and limitations yet don't seem to rise above my shortcomings. This all leads to a very, very dull existence. I enjoy being remembered for being that quirky kid with the wit to match, yet this is only social progression which is only adding more people. This still lacks upward mobility. I'm not looking for that six-figure salary, expensive car (although if anybody wants to just give me a Tesla, I'm open :D), suburban real estate or the superfly wardrobe, but I would just like to have some status other than the kid who is just still stalled in linear progression. Suffice to say, I'm bored.

Speaking of boredom and how to cope, I have been playing a lot more video games! If you have a Steam account and Day of Defeat: Source or Left 4 Dead 1 (don't even get me started on that sequel) you should add me to your Friends list. My steam account is spacedcakes and I am always up for a game. There isn't really much I'm looking forward to as far as releases except that new Super Mario Bros. game (assuming it has Wi-Fi) and Worms Armageddon 2. I am absolutely stoked for WA2 since I lost my Warez of the first one and really feel the need to blow up segmented creatures with my Flying Sheep. Oh yes, I can feel it now! SSSWWWOOOSSSHHHH, bah bah bah, KABOOM! Just like that..... :D


Is this accepting defeat?

Ugh, I was going to write a blog just now, but it would've come off as sappy and utterly worthless. I apologize. I promise to write one soon (possibly even today), but I will need to invest time into the structure and layout of this blogwrite. Since I feel that I have wasted nobody's time, I now leave you with this:


Cakes is here... RIGHT HERE!

Ta-daa! I know; I'm still terrible at updating this! So, in order to bring all 3 of you up to speed, I am currently in Grand Forks taking summer courses. It's alright. The classes themselves aren't too shabby and the campus is so beautiful this time of year. Of course, this wouldn't be a blog post by me without a bitter rant, so here we go!

So, the school here uses a debit card of sorts called a Pride card to distribute any excess loan money. The card is from a larger company called Higher One (kind of a funny name when you think about their sole customer base being college kids). Since this is an organization independent of the universities it serves, it is located somewhere on the East Coast. Since this is a mail transaction of utter importance, the letter your card arrives in can't be forwarded. I used a forwarded address to receive my mail, so suffice to say the first card was kicked back to the company. I made sure to adjust my mailing address to the one I would be using on campus for my second try. I was given some soft tongue loving about how it would arrive on the 28th of May. Well, guess what? I just found out that after two weeks of waiting beside my mailbox on campus, THEY SENT IT TO MY HOME ADDRESS AGAIN! This is merely the icing on the cupcake, though. It (along with my Netflix movies) were shipped to the school first and then who-knows-what happened. What I do know is that all the school did was slap a forwarding sticker on it and then sent it to my old address! So my unforwardable letter was forwarded twice in one instance! So, I now know my mailing address at school doesn't work and my parents have my card. How are they supposed to send it to me? THE MAIL. How am I supposed to receive it? I have no idea whatsoever. My parents are also mailing my laptop and a textbook here I left behind, and we'll just see about that (supposed to be here last Friday). Here I am, broke, hungry, in dire need of a microbrew and I have money that's just floating in limbo right now because of these depressing fuckups! There isn't really an alternative solution for loan disbursement either. All I can really do is just complain to the housing office about this and that still doesn't solve the issue of my current brokeness. Also, I have a hard time believing that begging them to correct this error won't make it look like I'm asking for special treatment by the university. I am one blue panda bear... ;.;


Writing and the FUTURE *cue ambient space noises*

After reading a fascinating The Week article describing how the Internet has liberated yet devalued journalism led me to yet another 4 a.m. revelation: nobody is actually reading this. Unlike throes of others who may have found their audience on the www, I firmly believe that I make up the majority of the read counts due to an egotistical ticking. I too feel liberated knowing that whatever may be said from here on in will not be blatantly censored or filtered (except in China and possibly Australia). Now, without further adieu, my finer points on current topics:

1. Fuck you, China!
So you may have your own citizens currently learning in American institutions willing to protect their homeland out of a born heritage, but I feel no such thing. The PRC is merely a country club with well over a billion excluded that feels the need to further its outreach. We have the Chinese dilemma in Tibet and also their selfish claim to multinational hot-spots in the South China Sea. They're fueling a war in Africa and a trade deficit here in the States and ever since the Nixon trade visit, we have been careful not to be seen openly with the Dalai Lama or criticizing their human rights records and most likely are hushing the IOC about violations during the 2008 Beijing Games. And now Australia's playing nice to their future overlords? This is disgusting.

2. No more sequels!
For 2009, I have counted 6 remakes and 15 sequels (I may have missed a few). Of these, we have sequels for such movies as Fast and the Furious (Metacritic: 58), Alvin and the Chipmunks (Metacritic: 39), The Pink Panther (Metacritic: 38), Night at the Museum (Metacritic: 48), Halloween (Metacritic: 47), the Saw series (Metacritic range: 19-48) and Cats and Dogs (Metacritic: 47). Granted, the original movies weren't made for the critics as much as they were the cash-laden public, but the lack of quality standards is just phenomenal. As for remakes, we saw My Bloody Valentine, Friday the 13th, and Race to Witch Mountain, which were critically panned. Also slated for '09 are video game adaptations (terrible!), 3-D movies (gimmicky!), Disney concert films (tween cash-in!), Transformers 2 (boring!), and a Tarantino film where he channels the Dirty Dozen (kill me now). I realize that terrible films are going to be released as they have since the onset of cinema, but if enough of this is produced and pushed year after year, don't you think the majority of the public will start to change their standard of opinion? I can't fathom the day where I'm taking my future children to go see Jonas Brothers in Space 3-D IMAX or ,Yahweh forbid, another Dr. Seuss movie.

3. Crackbook
So yes, I decided to restart my Facebook account after hearing the newest incarnations were "like crack". True to the moniker, it had me going... for about a minute with headaches afterward. Perhaps I don't have enough friends on there. I do have that Myspace issue where I really don't talk to anybody on there and also don't feel the need to go through and delete people, but is that the key to Facebook being more enjoyable, being able to micro-scan a plethora of people I know very well or just met at a party, knowing their minute habits or social interactions? I am interested to an extent, but it just becomes a formula:
Step 1: Read all new feeds.
Step 2: Comment on humorous ones/topics of interest.
Step 3: Post humorous/interesting What's on your mind?
Step 4: Scan for something to do/join/flame or log out.

Is there more to it, or isn't this what everybody's doing? I just replace Step 4 on my Myspace with tweaking my page or looking for that new fanciful piece of clipart or music that fully compliments the grand theme of my page, me. This can take up to an hour and leaves me fulfilled at a solid effort towards a better representation of my digital self. Kudos all around!

There you have it. Now I'm going to go back to watching episode 4 of Cardcaptors and regretting my ability to cat-nap.



Suffice to say, I failed in my previous blog's objective. Instead, I purchased a netbook and an e-cigarette, one of which is a cheap Chinese knockoff (and it's not the thing I'm typing on now). I love them both. I am almost fulfilling my cyberpunk dream, being constantly wired yet chic. Granted, the transformation is not yet complete since I'm lacking in a really kick-ass watch that is most likely made in Japan and it will read the time in binary. So I'm lame, but I can write it off as just preparing for our imminent future. Speaking of our imminent future, I hope the poles shift come Winter Solstice 2012! I believe in the crackpot theory that the realignment of the poles will lead to a mental enlightenment in which our "sixth sense" of ESP awakens and humanity finally moves into our next stage of evolution. A boy can dream, can't he?
Now onto the more personal... I shall be at UND this summer. After conversation and debate, I understand that I so badly need to progress beyond my current lame-ass existence. Not that material success is paramount to personal success, but I do feel that a rewarding tenure at college can hopefully lead to a more rewarding challenge than I'm currently experiencing. Oh, that and I want to reap the benefits of reuniting with Billy and either becoming some sort of entertainer or I'll just go for broke and freet across Europe. The latter is perfectly fine with me. In the case of the latter, I think I'll legally change my name to Space Cakes (Cakes for short).



I know, I know.... I'm terrible about keeping this updated. I was moving into my family's new home and trying to organize all of my personal belongings (I'm a packrat). While it's nice to be out of the basement, there's still a certain lack of charm so to speak that I was hoping to find in this abode. While it's not 100% finished, it still is volumes greater than the nightmare our previous residence was. Anywhew, time to make another promise that shall go unfulfilled to blog again, and with increased frequency.
Since this blog started personal, I intend to continue on with my life update. I'm still trapped at the store, my projects have been in a lull, and my car could use some handywork. On the plus side, TAX REFUND!!!!!! What are my plans for said refund? A vacation. Oh, and some kick-ass headphones!

Now, about that vacation.... I hope to visit a very special someone. The prospect of our union has a profound impact, yet I wonder if I have let her down just recently with my expressed hesitation of moving down there without much foresight into the area and its school. I am torn; she probably is as well. I am unsure about many things, but one issue is for certain: I need to move out of Hazen.


The Same 'Ol

I remember promising two posts back that I would bring all two people that read this blog up-to-date on my current situation. Well, I'm STILL living in my parents' basement after two botched attempts to return to college. I'm debating whether or not I even want to attempt school again. Unfortunately, it's not like I'm really accelerating myself towards a profession here, just the same hum-dum job here with a few extra hours devoted to the liquor store. I really want to become a breakout writer and I just don't feel that college is financially feasible for me, or at least won't be for a few years. Well....... unless I was able to get the right job. I have an interview with H&R Block today to be a tax preparer and if I'm able to get that job and bank, I just may! If so, I know exactly where I'm going to move to.
I am hoping to move to Omaha, NE. There's a very special somebody there waiting for me. VERY special. I hope to settle down and continue writing while helping her raise a daughter. I'm actually quite elated! This is why I sound so desperate: I want to move on. I feel quite worthless here. There are new experiences and adventures out there. There are things that can be filled with fertilizer and detonated in remote areas! Oh yes..... I can feel it now.


Fuck you, Supreme Court!

The title says it all. Upon my daily Yahoo! news grab, I came across this article. Court says evidence is valid despite police error In a nutshell, faulty record-keeping led to a man being searched and arrested for possession of amphetamines and an unloaded weapon in his vehicle. The problem in question? Those whose job it is to uphold the constitution have failed us yet again! So much for checks and balances...
Need proof? Chief Justice John Roberts, writing for the court, said the evidence may be used "when police mistakes are the result of negligence such as that described here, rather than systemic error or reckless disregard of constitutional requirements." For reckless disregard of constitutional requirements, see the Fourth Amendment. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. This WAS an unreasonable search and seizure, probable cause was later fount to be non-existent, and he was violated because he was prosecuted based on things to be seized. Also from the article: The conservative majority acknowledged that the arrest of Bennie Dean Herring of Alabama — based on the mistaken belief that there was a warrant for his arrest — violated his constitutional rights, yet upheld his conviction on federal drug and gun charges.So, his constitutional rights were violated, yet he was still arrested? This reminds me far too much of the move Brazil, where a typographical error led to the arrest of an innocent man and the sweeping cover-up assigned to it. Great film!

One large problem with this fiasco is that the court is shifting power away from judges and into the hand of the police. Officers in this country are having their accountability taken away from them by the Court. How many cases of erroneous decision led to a fatality? The most recent example is Oakland. Also, what about Sean Bell? Amadou Diallo? These officers were let off and in some cases settlements were met, but where's the legal liability? Especially in the case of Sean Bell: you murder somebody by pumping 40+ rounds into an unarmed man and evade jail time? Your job shouldn't be allowed to protect you.
This is when democracy fails. Every time we vote for a politician that promises to put the American people first and then doesn't(they're all guilty; I'm not pandering), who pays? The citizens that put these ego-heads in power do. The Founding preambles have been disregarded, and the law can now be bent at will to support whatever cases may come its way instead of holding onto the Constitution with an iron fist. Partisan hackery will the the end-all of this country. Washington warned against it in his final farewell speech, yet the Fathers are merely window dressing for when you have to sit somebody down and explain their "freedoms". I believe it's time for this country to get back on track and focus on priority.


Hey Blogger; it's been a while...

I completely forgot about this blog (apparent by the SEVERE time in-between blogs) and have decided to start blogging again. I'll fill in the nitty-gritty later this week but am going to waste this space by proclaiming that I have made my first blogging profit! After logging onto my AdSense account for the first time since August, I have discovered that I made $.01! I feel.... vitality! Granted, at this rate I will only be able to withdraw my earnings after 1,000 years (give or take viewership), but all writers start small, don't they? Consider me pro.
I also feel that in the coming month(s) I will finally be able to construct a green screen! I hope to make a decent amount of YouTube videos which will probably be me ranting about movies, the Sea Shepherds, and how much I can't stand Nancy Grace. Okay, there will probably be more topics, but this is just what comes to mind right now. Speaking of YouTube, I have finally posted a video! Unfortunately, I had nothing to do with the creation of said video. I just copy-pasted.