

Suffice to say, I failed in my previous blog's objective. Instead, I purchased a netbook and an e-cigarette, one of which is a cheap Chinese knockoff (and it's not the thing I'm typing on now). I love them both. I am almost fulfilling my cyberpunk dream, being constantly wired yet chic. Granted, the transformation is not yet complete since I'm lacking in a really kick-ass watch that is most likely made in Japan and it will read the time in binary. So I'm lame, but I can write it off as just preparing for our imminent future. Speaking of our imminent future, I hope the poles shift come Winter Solstice 2012! I believe in the crackpot theory that the realignment of the poles will lead to a mental enlightenment in which our "sixth sense" of ESP awakens and humanity finally moves into our next stage of evolution. A boy can dream, can't he?
Now onto the more personal... I shall be at UND this summer. After conversation and debate, I understand that I so badly need to progress beyond my current lame-ass existence. Not that material success is paramount to personal success, but I do feel that a rewarding tenure at college can hopefully lead to a more rewarding challenge than I'm currently experiencing. Oh, that and I want to reap the benefits of reuniting with Billy and either becoming some sort of entertainer or I'll just go for broke and freet across Europe. The latter is perfectly fine with me. In the case of the latter, I think I'll legally change my name to Space Cakes (Cakes for short).

1 comment:

Autumn said...

You know, when the magnetic poles flip themselves it will take an extremely long time. During the period in which they are flipping, we will not have a magnetosphere and during this period we will no longer be protected from harmful radiation. So, basically, we'll all die of radiation poisoning. Cool, huh? Also, I think satellites will stop working, but I'm not sure on that one.