
Fact Check v1: Franken is a Dumbass

I was relatively uninterested in the entire healthcare debate until after a Ritalin bender I decided to cruise on over to the Huffington Post, a great place when you're up and bitter. This video was posted (along with some of the most absurd and ill-informed comments):

This seems to be in collusion with most user comments, with Franken grandstanding his "affront on the lying liars." Now, in all fairness of the debate:

How lovely is it that he accuses Thune of not reading the bill while admitting that he in fact was not even following the SD Senator's speech and grossly distorted many of the facts being made. Franken mentions how there will be a premium cap on health insurance as a day-one benefit. That's not a benefit; that's legislation. I guess you can't blame him for a lack of understanding what the poverty line is.

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