
The Problem with Trusting the Internet

Time to start this on the defensive. I am a massive MST3K fan, but am too cheap/poor to afford the ridiculous prices for those lackluster bundle packs being shipped out by Rhino. So to them I say, "up yours with your ridiculous prices and whatnots!" My other option, apart from watching them on Youtube, is just to torrent them. Using Pirate Bay trackers, I am currently downloading the complete collection (well, if the ktma eps are there in full). My stats?

Seeds: Peers: Down Speed:
3(12) 42(1037) 11.0kB/s

Way to go, Internet. *facepalm*

Edit: I should also mention that this file is 135 gigs in size and my ETA is three years. Thanks again, Internet.

UPDATE: 5(14) 46(1113) 150.2kB/s 2 weeks, 4 days

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