
Hey Blogger; it's been a while...

I completely forgot about this blog (apparent by the SEVERE time in-between blogs) and have decided to start blogging again. I'll fill in the nitty-gritty later this week but am going to waste this space by proclaiming that I have made my first blogging profit! After logging onto my AdSense account for the first time since August, I have discovered that I made $.01! I feel.... vitality! Granted, at this rate I will only be able to withdraw my earnings after 1,000 years (give or take viewership), but all writers start small, don't they? Consider me pro.
I also feel that in the coming month(s) I will finally be able to construct a green screen! I hope to make a decent amount of YouTube videos which will probably be me ranting about movies, the Sea Shepherds, and how much I can't stand Nancy Grace. Okay, there will probably be more topics, but this is just what comes to mind right now. Speaking of YouTube, I have finally posted a video! Unfortunately, I had nothing to do with the creation of said video. I just copy-pasted.

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