

I'm just doing this for a Demonoid pic.


Grabbin' peeeels....

After almost one entire year of attempts, I have finally been diagnosed professionally with ADHD! They finally have me on Concerta albeit these pills are worthless. I have been taking them regularly (read: no Pac-man style on these bitches) and honestly cannot tell a difference whatsoever. I'm on the smallest dose possible for the ER which then I'll be on the 27s although even those do nothing for me! I hope they'll be willing to up my dosage because it would be absolutely retahded to go through all of this hassle just to realize that I've been diagnosed the equivalent of placebos. Suffice to say, I'm not going to be penning that great novel or directing that blockbuster film or something something me with a box of hand grenades driving down a crowded interstate in a convertible. Sure, I may have all the time in the world right now but I'm still bloody impatient!

Oh, and I have an interview finally. This has been the longest since I was 15 that I haven't had a job and while I have enjoyed my liberated time there is a level of debt that has never been seen before by yours truly. We are talking 30+ grand here that making sandwiches isn't going to alleviate. Oh well..... at least I'll have sandwiches. ^^



Just a Hunch...

After reading about Hunch in this month's Wired I decided to give it a try (since the Inet's been somewhat dull lately and I was out of Mafia Wars stamina). So far I'm impressed! Not with the results though.. I'm still on the questions. Granted, I'm scoring in the lower percentile but these questions were made for me! A few examples:

Which of these hinders intellectual growth? (Specialized Professions)
Do you believe in the inevitability of zombie apocalypse? (Who cares, bring them!)
420? (Yes!)
Would you take the opportunity to live on another planet? (I'd jump at the chance, even if I never come back to Earth)
Which sounds most intellectually appealing to you? (Discussing the merits of the various civilian sub-orbital space proposals now underway)

After spending a solid portion of last night answering questions, working topics, and playing with the like/dislike option I can say that IT KNOWS ME. Flying Spaghetti Monster: like/dislike? No way could everybody get that answer. Hunch also keeps asking me about Wired too, which is more than just coincidence. How did they know I proclaim myself to be a member of the Libertarian Party? None of the other parties came up (except for pot, but I forgot to mention that earlier). I desperately need a break waaaaaiiittt..... I made it through the questions! I shall let the zero people reading this how things parlay out.



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I have been doing some heavy thinking lately and I have completely lost form. I need to... I need to start trying again. Fuck, I'm not even trying right now.



This isn't so much supposed to be a recurring trend, but I do always enjoy these myself. Sorry about the small picture; I'm using a netbook. I call this one "The 50/50."


Space Cakes '010!

Whew, glad that cocktail coma is over! I went into excess (but not INXS) and ended up trying to negotiate a stairwell upside-down. I now cannot sleep. I have one of two theories:

1. When I hit my head it unlocked some dormant mental function and now I will live the rest of my life without need of sleep, fully unlocking my potential.


2. Those three days I was passed out count as 6 8-hour sleeping cycles, which means that I will be crashing like a Cessna come Saturday.

I also have resolve! This semester isn't a premeditated disaster, as previously predicted. Fucking alliteration, I sound like Oscar Wilde! Anywhew, it turns out that I haven't used up my second chance at this school yet and will be able to stay on for this semester (or so they convinced me of over the phone (it was probably to get me to hang up (it was busy in the office so I called))). What will I be taking? I don't know. Will I finally be able to move on with my life and meet up with the girl whom I desire to couple? I hope so. Will I ever beat that Yakuza mission in GTA2? I fucking better!

Oh, I also think that I want to be a DJ, or an MC, but not MC DJ or DJ MC, because that would just be really really gay.


Fact Check v1: Franken is a Dumbass

I was relatively uninterested in the entire healthcare debate until after a Ritalin bender I decided to cruise on over to the Huffington Post, a great place when you're up and bitter. This video was posted (along with some of the most absurd and ill-informed comments):

This seems to be in collusion with most user comments, with Franken grandstanding his "affront on the lying liars." Now, in all fairness of the debate:

How lovely is it that he accuses Thune of not reading the bill while admitting that he in fact was not even following the SD Senator's speech and grossly distorted many of the facts being made. Franken mentions how there will be a premium cap on health insurance as a day-one benefit. That's not a benefit; that's legislation. I guess you can't blame him for a lack of understanding what the poverty line is.


How to rip Music from Youtube, the Space Cakes method

I have finally opened up my rather limited iTunes folder (from a leftover product from when I used to have an iPod) by converting songs from the vast bootlegged wealth prevalent on Youtube!

First step:
Download Greasemonkey and then download the Youtube Video and Audio Downloader as a script. Also, you're going to want this free video-to-audio converter.

Second step:
Go to the Youtube music page of your choice and under the video screen there should be an option that states Download MP4 as shown:

Click the button and it'll save do your Firefox Downloads folder (typically stored in My Documents) as video.mp4. Once that download's finished, right click and open containing folder. Name it something handy.

Third step:
Open the Free M4A to MP3 converter and find this file. Click convert in the upper-right corner and it will save that file as an mp3 in the same Downloads folder. Throw some id3 tags on it via iTunes and you're set!



Suck heat, Central America!

This rant is being propelled by a Yahoo! News article about how Central American nations are going to address the upcoming world climate convention about financial compensation for damages caused by "global warming."

First and foremost to those involved in this money grab, fuck you!

Second, there is no conclusive evidence that global warming does exist and certain recent leaked e-mails are casting doubt on this scientific shamefest.

Third, is Central America immune from weather phenomena? I don't see how you can attribute destructive weather to "climate change" when it's not possible to prove if these storms (or whatever they're complaining about) would have happened regardless of industrialization.

Fourth, if we are to assume that "global warming" is in fact happening, who should pay the most and how are you going to force countries that aren't involved in the climate talks to pay? I just don't understand how it will be possible to determine who owes what and that those nations guilted by their own scientists will end up paying for other nations' pollution. Do you really think India, China, and Brazil are going to shame up and pay up?

And finally, 105 billion dollars? Fuck you.



Is anybody out there using Wave at all? If so, friend me up at oceansofcake@googlewave.com and if you don't have it, let me know and I'll try to drop an invite! So far I cannot tell you anything about Wave because I just joined up and have zero friends on there. Sad, right?


Apple Quality?

Yesterday I committed an unspeakable tragedy: I (temporarily) bricked my computer. I'm in the computer lab right now, disparaged because my attempts to use the school's computers to burn an ISO failed (almost tried rainbow tables) and decided to log onto Facebook. Blah blah, so anyway I was asked to download Quicktime 7 to make the features I rarely use run supposedly better. I laughed when I saw their thanks page:

Fantastic Four, really? The movie with a 5.8/10 IMDB, a 26% Rotten Tomato, and (most important of all) a 40/100 on Metacritic? This led me to a few better ideas as to what to show:

Meet the Feebles




Advertisements Revisited

I came across this ad on Myspace today (after remembering that I had an account):

Now, where have I seen this before? OH YEAH!


The Conquest of Facebook

Aha, I have finally achieved Facebook dominance! I have decided to become active in the groups communities. So far I have coauthored one group and conspired in the successful takeover of another. Did you know that if the original administrators of a group leave the game, administrator status is up for grabs? Billy took over a Facebook group dedicated to Twilight that I had joined earlier in hopes of finding a group dedicated to Deep 13, the Mad's basement. I encourage all to openly join! Here is the legitimate group, the Fan Girl Fan Club:
I hope this link works!

Now, the hijacked group, After reading Twilight I cried hysterically and went into deep depression.

... don't laugh! Also, do you like some of the new tracks I uploaded to my page? Let me know in the comments! Also, to my Mafia Wars friends, I have finally hit onek worth of energy! It feels soooo nice ^^.

Oh! I have also decided that I am going to make a name for myself on Youtube. Expect me to post numerous Youtube videos in the coming days (a collection of pop culture obscurities and personal favorites(check out my videos playlist in a few days time)).


Best Advert Ev'ah

Found this gem today:

edit (3:33 10/11): A new contender has emerged: