
The Problem with Trusting the Internet

Time to start this on the defensive. I am a massive MST3K fan, but am too cheap/poor to afford the ridiculous prices for those lackluster bundle packs being shipped out by Rhino. So to them I say, "up yours with your ridiculous prices and whatnots!" My other option, apart from watching them on Youtube, is just to torrent them. Using Pirate Bay trackers, I am currently downloading the complete collection (well, if the ktma eps are there in full). My stats?

Seeds: Peers: Down Speed:
3(12) 42(1037) 11.0kB/s

Way to go, Internet. *facepalm*

Edit: I should also mention that this file is 135 gigs in size and my ETA is three years. Thanks again, Internet.

UPDATE: 5(14) 46(1113) 150.2kB/s 2 weeks, 4 days


I Underestimated Microsoft

That's right. I underestimated Microsoft. I torrented Fallout 3 (I swear I have a copy, nyuuuh XP) and need to install Games for Windows-Live in order to have the precious xlive.dll file. Games for Windows also creates an XBox Live account for you. I don't own a 360 and don't plan on owning one either(that controller's just too spaceoff for me), but if I want that file I still need to make one. Also, the desired handle spacecakes was not available, and Microsoft gave me the single greatest alternative ever: So without further adieu, I introduce: FascistStraw.


it would appear that fate is going to be kind to me. I can still legally import cloves via the Internet (I assume customs won't fuck with my package). I will have to abandon my loverly Bali Hais, but there are always Blacks. They even have tea- and cappuccino-flavored Blacks in Indonesia! Also, I think I'm going to work toward selling my body for medical experimentation. I really don't want to get a job again. Would you really want to hear about how my day went then? BBOOORRRRIIINNNNGGGGG. I hope to have cash, cigs, and also I'm going to knock out my homework this weekend, starting later today. Now that I have a reason to live again :D I feel the need to succeed in order to keep myself flowing with cloves and expensive sauces. Also, I plan on moving out of the dorms, buying a big-ass TV, and returning to a life of comfort and stylish antics. Reboot!

PS: Listen to Dubstep



I went in for my monthly psychiatrist visit and was given quite the treat today. It seems that every time I go in there they trial-and-error a new prescription on me, and the flavor of the month this time is Wellbutrin. My opinions? I have a stomachache, brain shocks, am more irritable than the elderly who don't have a mall to walk, and just feel absolutely miserable. I fucking hate this. I'm tired of being bumped from godawful antidepressants to what was probably the best one yet (Ritalin) back to antidepressants! I'm not begging for fun pills or anything, just something that bloody works. *sigh* I'm currently missing class because I just don't feel like I could bring myself to go. I just feel too strange. I hate this. I cannot go on like this any longer..... I just want something that works.

In Memory Of....

clove cigarettes. They were banned yesterday under FDA implementation. The killer? Our current President, Mr. Obama (you know, the smoker). He signed legislation allowing a government office to control production of a privately-owned company. They stated it was to discourage teen smoking, but even the FDA's own research stated that adolescent clove smokers account for only 2% for all cigarette smokers in that age group. So, without further adieu, I hereby say I miss you, Bali Hai, and that I hope you are still blowing smoke rings in Tobacco Heaven.


These are my new hours...

I have officially become a night person, which means that I have been playing an unhealthy number of video games again. Unfortunately, I cannot reinstall Battlefield 2142 (one of my favorite shooters x.x). As a coping mechanism, I am redownloading Anarchy Online just because I've been having the craving yet again to play an MMO, run around, and then uninstall it. That's why I don't play any of the paying ones. It's a free game if anyone would care to join me (Funcom ID:spacecakes). If so, I'll shower you with love and gifts for just giving me someone to play with instead of just myself. :3


The Dilemma

...screw it. The last blog is a lost thought and I have difficulty enough being linear and progressive. Anyway, my sincere dilemma: where are you supposed to meet singles in the fucking Midwest in a college town? The only thing my compatriot and I can think of is the bar/pub/nightclub. The pressing issues? It's poorly lit. You're drunk. She's drunk. You're in an unofficial competition with the other wankers who exist in such a predicament and it's difficult to pull of such a move without appearing forthcoming. I am completely unsure about the status of my current relationship and am completely unsure if I can ever truly let go. My mind is toying with the idea that it could in fact be over but I have no idea anymore. I'm straight slipping in every facet of my life. My days have deteriorated into staying up late, playing PS, and and watching reruns of Seinfeld and Guy Ritchie movies. Welcome to the bachelor life.


The "What's Hot" of my Personal Time Wasters

For some reason, I felt like doing a list. It could very well reflect a lack of creativity on my part in writing this entry or something more apathetic than that. Alas, I shall drudge on with what I am currently watching/listening/playing as if it really matters: o.-

While not exactly the easiest thing to find, it's just one of the lesser-known weird 80s animated features. The one here people will be most familiar with would be Ôtomo (director of Akira), but the surreal work of Rintaro and futuristic Kawajiri should also be noted for the quality being brought to this wholly unique work.

This is where it's at. Fine-as-silk dubstep without ignoring the variety that can be found within the genre....

....and wham! Just like that I am already exhausted for the night. I shall resume this at a later time. I hope I didn't mess up the html, because I'm not going back to correct it tonight in case it's wrong! x.x~



Why did it take me so long to watch this again? It's the last time I saw a slapping fight that ended cutely:


More pie!

Ah, it's great to be back. No more ignoring the Google gods who offer me pennies on the dollar and no more abandoning my ideas because they "didn't make sense" or were "entirely unrealistic." After some discussion with my roommate and future copilot (not sexually) we have decided that this could act as a starting vehicle for what we hope to be doing in the future: an organic multimedia project. That's just a buzzword for blogging, linking, videos, and other fun little ditties. But until those surface, I have merely this to pass the time:

It's tha new style!

With blog posts as inconsistent as mine, it's quite safe to say that all two people that may have been watching this have assumed I've abandoned the trade. Well.......... basically. I just haven't felt that my current stage in life is worth speaking of. I don't think I could just gloss over the finer details that are truly affecting my composure. But alas, I'll just continue on regardless with an update (edited, of course).

I'm at UND taking Visual Arts. I am finally reunited with Billy, my creative alter ego. I am financially destitute with no exit strategy in mind (hell, even this semester isn't paid for yet). I haven't heard from my significant other in what seems to be a month. I am car-less. I just hope to survive this semester because academic suspension is a death sentence for me, and all I want to do is just fuck around with the university's AV equipment.

As I am killing time in the library, I have pondered many of the oddities of life and have come up with a few conclusions. One, this is all pointless. Two, some people are actually just content when they say they are ecstatic about their life. Three, there is no wrong lifestyle choice as long as you can make it feasible. Finally, we as a culture are not working hard enough to nurture the minds that will one day have the power of dominance. I will elaborate on this later, since I feel like really restarting this, especially since I am anticipating creating my own small videograms (or vlogs, or short films, or Youtube snippets, or whatever you call them). All I do know is that college is merely a method to pass the time while you wait to sink yourself into cultural ideals that don't enable the escapists to mentally roam. *sigh* The optimism is gone; now just a desire to exact counterculture revenge via subtlety remains. :3