
Greenpeace is for flamers...

I just watched an ABC News video on Yahoo! that directly linked the Iowa floods and global warming, stating that carbon emissions "can directly affect you, your home, your life"(not direct quote) . Even the White House issued a statement, contrary to its usual rhetoric, linking climate change and the increased rainfall. They showed a nuclear power plant beside flooding fields. Point #1: Nuclear power will actually decrease the amount of man-made carbon in the atmosphere. This stable and constant power supply creates 3% of the air pollution that natural gas refineries push out, according to Wired. Air and solar are NOT constant. The nuclear fuel is a different story. Point #2: The temperature of the oceans dropped 1 degree in 2007. Granted, I remember my source being an article I read in the paper, but I believe it was Fahrenheit. The oceans take longer to warm or cool than does the Earth's surface, which can also be affected by a multitude of factors, such as eruptions and El Nino. This temp. change was recorded by a NASA laser-weather satellite, which is more accurate than politicians. Point #3: If "global warming" is actually a threat, then why is it being presented as theater? For instance, An Inconvenient Truth was untruthful in a few aspects: that Katrina's devastation (being a dismal Category 2) is not to blame for the destruction of N.O., and that the oceans aren't going to rise out of nowhere and swamp coastal cities (according to the E-Team, "A 2005 study in the Journal of Glaciology by a NASA scientist concludes that there is a net loss of ice that will result in higher sea levels. But the loss is occurring slowly: 0.05 millimeters on average per year.At that rate, it will take a millennium for the oceans to rise 5 centimeters (roughly 2 inches) and 20,000 years to rise a full meter."), and so forth. This is just another way for eco-fanatics to finally muscle their way into American politics through shifting public consensus by bombarding the media with "statistics", computer models, and celebrity opinions. And who is going to pay for this? Those people who are being sold the idea. The tax that was attempted in the House to cut carbon emissions was estimated to cost each taxpayer approximately $3,200. It never succeeded, but the talks are that it will be recirculated next year, pending the outcome of the fall election. I feel that we are casting our opinions before the facts are even in. I could blog on for days about the subject, but you probably quit reading this anyways by this point. Sorry for wasting your time with this massive paragraph...


White slavery

I took this idea from a Newsradio episode!

Therefore…. It plans life…. It plans life…. I the possession do none! With that, entire abundance or other than the famous gig, but for the present the isn't panning and I don't of ; The air does honestly we would like to put in place necessary effort. What kind of I' ?; M where the fact that you say is really tried is as follows: I may ride in the [so] which your rear is done? I really indentured forced labor still desire the fact that it is. I me this how doing with me who am forced to white subordinate, possess the fear of finishing, but you abandon my life of 7 years easily at this point in time, it is possible for land stay of position of work and the foreign country to go.

See? I really should do all of my blogs like this. Why the hell do my Joe Cool PJs smell like soy sauce? I am at a loss....


A sad day in Fargo...

I just heard the news: the total smoking ban has taken place. While this may be "a win for persons' rights to live healthy" as some people may tell you, this is a total crock. Restaurants, understandable. Public workplaces, even more so. But bars? Are bars family-friendly, health-oriented establishments? These locations had adequate ventilation as mandated by North Dakota law and complied with all state regulations. Alcohol and cigarettes just go hand-in-hand, as any smoker/ex-smoker will tell you. This was passed due to overzealous "concerned" citizens, who care not for businesses' rights, but instead selfish personal agenda. Do these people even frequent said places? Do they not see the revenue that it brings in? I feel most sorry for places such as JT Cigarro, who will undoubtedly be driven to extinction. I wonder: can you buy a cigar there now and just go outside to smoke it? These establishments were warm and friendly. I feel guilty for not going to fine Moorhead bars when I lived there (such as the Juano's Latin bar) in order to smoke and have a lager across the Red. Now, I'm glad I can go to a local place and light up much to my own content. Fargo has let itself become anal due to rule of fanaticism.


Smoking Mirror

This town... suffocates me. Too many memories keep creeping up into my psyche, haunting me of what was a terrible adolescence. I think I've gotten hammered near every night I've been back. What's more, there's no cultural outlet that isn't on the Internet or one of my distance-challenged friends. I feel like I'm isolated, working some Siberian mining camp. Not to discount my friends that are still here, because I love all of you to death. I just feel that this town doesn't exactly have what I'm seeking out (like cheap Heineken, for example). This entire part of North Dakota doesn't have what I'm seeking out: culture in the form of movies and music, fantastic hookups, and sexual fetishism that I can support. I feel like a total oddity. I can't do this for much longer. If I don't escape, I fear damaging repercussions. I know I've been overly dramatic lately, but it's a reaction to memories that have been drudged up again and amplified 1000 times, just for being back. It's almost like I'm admitting defeat.... again. I want therapy. I crave such an idea, hoping that such such a thing could actually cure me from my standstill in life. I have no motivation whatsoever to better myself, and it could quite possibly be related to being trapped in the past. I have evolved faster than this town ever will and am paying the consequence for my enlightenment. I cannot help that I was born this way, as how I cannot help that I am a product of my environment. My problem is that my environment shaped me to be a character lacking in self-confidence, who needs guidance but is reluctant to seek it out. I need help. I feel that a perfectly good head is being destroyed by self-doubt and a lack of desire to better oneself. This is self-destructiveness at its purest form. This is a ticking time bomb.


googley eyes...

AdSense is weird. Apparently I support Dixie Chicks mp3 downloads from a website called dada, which is an art movement directly out of Salvadore Dali's deepest thoughts. Do I support such things, really? Is this the subtext that my writing delivers? I fear that I am only a pawn in the game of life.... (drunk this time)


Jacka wob

Moogin flob schmizzle wop doo wop chawnza!

Primaries finished!
Which means more stupid flash games
and Jib-Jab cartoons

(was not drunk at time of writing)


Kitteh me See

I did! I logged onto HKO yesterday and..... damn! I really wish the game was more ingles. They rely on buttons without captions, so I did figure it out after plenty of trial-and-error clicking. It was cute! Properly cute. Plus, no learning curve is too noticeable, unlike Mabinogi. My problem? I didn't save and lost my info... fuck! I might forgive the game and myself in a few days and take up the call of Batz-Maru.

Otherwise, I'm just working and sitting on the 'net. It gets dull. Very dull. Heroes marathon dull. Not that I would ever watch a marathon of that; it's just similar. Come on ppl! It's just another superhero show but with a AAA budget, just like how Lost is just all of those other shows where people are... lost. Television is crap. Even Glenn Beck isn't hilarious to watch anymore when toasted. Now he's just a super-pundit, talking about how videogames attribute to youth violence and our military's success? Give me a fucking break. If you can't tell by the added profanity, I've given up cigs (again). I'm like a reincarnation of Howard Beale. I just want to go on TV and say, "This is all..... SHIT!" Profanity is such a guilty pleasure for being a language crutch.


Cracker City

I know I've been away from this place for a few years, but I've still forgotten how.... empty it is, and how empty it makes you feel. Everybody gawks due to lack of other stimuli. You stare out, the horizon stretching endlessly, and receive two impressions: of rolling beauty, and grand isolation. This is a WASP ground zero. No diffusion, no diversity. I miss the Asian-American market, with its rock-bottom prices and Thai/Japanese energy drinks (Lipovitan-D gives sunbeams in a 200mL bottle). I knew what this downgrade meant, but maybe I've just forgotten. Instead of mass-texting, one person's schedule conflict can derail an entire night of social interaction. This is void.

But enough about my depressing hometown! (hint: it starts with an H and rhymes with painin', like Oprah's va-jay-jay) I finally downloaded Hello Kitty Online, or HKO for those of you who eat up acronyms; I just haven't played it yet. It should only take the better of three logins before the G(overnment) is labeling me a potential pedo... it's not my fault more 21-year olds don't play it! The cuteolution is coming, and you still have sideburns. Work on that. Also, ditch the trucker cap.



The transition is now in its halfway phase. I have moved (meh, sort of) and now just need to play the waiting game. Unfortunately, this waiting game takes place in my hometown, where roadsigns are for potshots and the elderly and farmers are given free reign over the streets to drive as slow as they want (hey! is that tractor really street-legal)? It's still a much-needed break from not doing anything whatsoever. An isolated leper colony-like atmosphere can allow for some REAL blogging which should be in abundance due to a lack of pharms around here. Plus, I really, really want to build a green-screen. Look out for displaced stock footage sometime in the near future!


Personal Limitations

As you've probably noticed, I'm terrible at keeping this updated. It's not that I haven't had anything to critique, but more of how to convey what I want to write. I have realized that I have been inhibiting myself in creativity; everybody has their mental blockers. I've just needed to do some growing up first.
I will be moving to the Cities soon and hope to start anew..... again. At first, I couldn't fend for myself in sobriety; now I just want to harness it. It's like regaining childhood again, innocence and duty creeping back into my subconscious. It's time to work towards all of those labels that people wish they could give themselves, if it weren't for external stimuli blocking the pathways to attain these qualities. I feel that I can finally shed off my hopeless shortcomings. But enough boring rambling! Who wants cake?


Knowledge is Broke

Our schools are dipping even lower in global statistics. There are supposed to be fewer specialized workers this generational go-around and for the first time, the current Gen is not supposed to raise the benchmark set by the previous. Why do our schools well........ suck? My rant goes as follows:

  • The Death of the Arts
As the mills dry up (did you really need a new football field?), schools are looking to trim as much fat as possible, leaving the middle intact. Oddly enough though, sports are always part of that inner senshi and even trying to make sports cuts will bring angry parents down on the school faster then if the library had a book about a penguin with two dads. For instance, in Pelican Rapids, MN, due to shrinking attendance, the school was forced to cut full-time jobs, arts, assorted other extracurriculars, but of course not sports. IMHO, art is more important because these people might have gifts that can actually be nurtured and harvested for maximum profit, wooo! How many people from your hometown went Pro in b-ball? Exactly. Sports are more of a waste of time, but small-town politics rarely ever are ruled by logic. Oh, and speaking of small-town politics....

  • The PTA
Hey, kid! Are your parents on the PTA board? No? Then don't expect any star treatment when that little bastard down the street with the "connected" P&M gets first chair, if your school even has first chair anymore!

Well, I'm out of rant. I know there was more to go with this, but alas, I spaced on this blog too long and lost some more vitals. Oh... wait! There's also an overwhelming lack of gifted and talented programs, testing that means nothing in the real world and does nothing to help you advance in your Primary years, and in my school, you had to pay... PAY for AP classes! In Fargo, they're free as long as you qualify. I think I'm covered now.


The Great Leap Forward

It's a bright and sunny Tuesday, and I don't have a next-gen console (meaning I miss out on GTA4). Damn you, Wii! Zach & Wiki will suffice for the moment, since Battlefield 2 oddly chugs along on what should be a decent enough PC. Does anybody else have this problem? My ping was nowhere near this poor on BF2142. Surprised that EA released a game with core bugs intact? My thoughts exactly. Grr, freakinggoddammitthehell. Well, back off to another online attempt (frag me @ i<3mudkip; end my suffering quickly).



Shazam! I am restarting this blog (although it was barely ever living). Due to personal constraint, college no longer seems applicable as the means to a career, so I am going to throw myself at the mercy of the blogosphere and try to make it as a freelancer. Time to file in with all before me who have failed and cut my own swath of binary disappointment! I will be posting as much as my wandering mind shall allow and eventually find some recurring thread to blog about professionally. Until then, this will be a haphazard collection of musings, observation, mindless heavy-handed ranting, et al. Just ignore all of it. It can do no harm (unlike that one nude photo you decided to email your b/f).