Well, I have quasi-good news since the last time we spoke. I was fortunate enough to be given the opportunity (pending) to finish those classes that as of now are chock full of FAIL. Basically in order to salvage them I needed to have a medical reason, and unfortunately I had one of those. Yes, I have joined............... the zombies.
I have been on Zoloft for about a week now and besides very bizarre side effects, I do feel an upswing in my mood and self esteem balanced with a higher rate of lethargy. Ah yes, quite the absent combo.
Also, download NeoTokyo, goddammit! I just picked this up today and all you need is a Valve game with Source so you can download the SDK Base. Trust me, it's worth it.
Also also, I've been watching a lot of really terrible movies, but it's all intentional as some of these have turned out to be true gems. Case in point: The Girl's Rebel Force of Competitive Swimmers. As mentioned, it's terrible but just absurdly entertaining (to me) at the same time. Plus, they have the most unique weapon of a v....... well, I'll just leave that for you to find out. NSFW!