
Kitteh me See

I did! I logged onto HKO yesterday and..... damn! I really wish the game was more ingles. They rely on buttons without captions, so I did figure it out after plenty of trial-and-error clicking. It was cute! Properly cute. Plus, no learning curve is too noticeable, unlike Mabinogi. My problem? I didn't save and lost my info... fuck! I might forgive the game and myself in a few days and take up the call of Batz-Maru.

Otherwise, I'm just working and sitting on the 'net. It gets dull. Very dull. Heroes marathon dull. Not that I would ever watch a marathon of that; it's just similar. Come on ppl! It's just another superhero show but with a AAA budget, just like how Lost is just all of those other shows where people are... lost. Television is crap. Even Glenn Beck isn't hilarious to watch anymore when toasted. Now he's just a super-pundit, talking about how videogames attribute to youth violence and our military's success? Give me a fucking break. If you can't tell by the added profanity, I've given up cigs (again). I'm like a reincarnation of Howard Beale. I just want to go on TV and say, "This is all..... SHIT!" Profanity is such a guilty pleasure for being a language crutch.


Cracker City

I know I've been away from this place for a few years, but I've still forgotten how.... empty it is, and how empty it makes you feel. Everybody gawks due to lack of other stimuli. You stare out, the horizon stretching endlessly, and receive two impressions: of rolling beauty, and grand isolation. This is a WASP ground zero. No diffusion, no diversity. I miss the Asian-American market, with its rock-bottom prices and Thai/Japanese energy drinks (Lipovitan-D gives sunbeams in a 200mL bottle). I knew what this downgrade meant, but maybe I've just forgotten. Instead of mass-texting, one person's schedule conflict can derail an entire night of social interaction. This is void.

But enough about my depressing hometown! (hint: it starts with an H and rhymes with painin', like Oprah's va-jay-jay) I finally downloaded Hello Kitty Online, or HKO for those of you who eat up acronyms; I just haven't played it yet. It should only take the better of three logins before the G(overnment) is labeling me a potential pedo... it's not my fault more 21-year olds don't play it! The cuteolution is coming, and you still have sideburns. Work on that. Also, ditch the trucker cap.



The transition is now in its halfway phase. I have moved (meh, sort of) and now just need to play the waiting game. Unfortunately, this waiting game takes place in my hometown, where roadsigns are for potshots and the elderly and farmers are given free reign over the streets to drive as slow as they want (hey! is that tractor really street-legal)? It's still a much-needed break from not doing anything whatsoever. An isolated leper colony-like atmosphere can allow for some REAL blogging which should be in abundance due to a lack of pharms around here. Plus, I really, really want to build a green-screen. Look out for displaced stock footage sometime in the near future!


Personal Limitations

As you've probably noticed, I'm terrible at keeping this updated. It's not that I haven't had anything to critique, but more of how to convey what I want to write. I have realized that I have been inhibiting myself in creativity; everybody has their mental blockers. I've just needed to do some growing up first.
I will be moving to the Cities soon and hope to start anew..... again. At first, I couldn't fend for myself in sobriety; now I just want to harness it. It's like regaining childhood again, innocence and duty creeping back into my subconscious. It's time to work towards all of those labels that people wish they could give themselves, if it weren't for external stimuli blocking the pathways to attain these qualities. I feel that I can finally shed off my hopeless shortcomings. But enough boring rambling! Who wants cake?


Knowledge is Broke

Our schools are dipping even lower in global statistics. There are supposed to be fewer specialized workers this generational go-around and for the first time, the current Gen is not supposed to raise the benchmark set by the previous. Why do our schools well........ suck? My rant goes as follows:

  • The Death of the Arts
As the mills dry up (did you really need a new football field?), schools are looking to trim as much fat as possible, leaving the middle intact. Oddly enough though, sports are always part of that inner senshi and even trying to make sports cuts will bring angry parents down on the school faster then if the library had a book about a penguin with two dads. For instance, in Pelican Rapids, MN, due to shrinking attendance, the school was forced to cut full-time jobs, arts, assorted other extracurriculars, but of course not sports. IMHO, art is more important because these people might have gifts that can actually be nurtured and harvested for maximum profit, wooo! How many people from your hometown went Pro in b-ball? Exactly. Sports are more of a waste of time, but small-town politics rarely ever are ruled by logic. Oh, and speaking of small-town politics....

  • The PTA
Hey, kid! Are your parents on the PTA board? No? Then don't expect any star treatment when that little bastard down the street with the "connected" P&M gets first chair, if your school even has first chair anymore!

Well, I'm out of rant. I know there was more to go with this, but alas, I spaced on this blog too long and lost some more vitals. Oh... wait! There's also an overwhelming lack of gifted and talented programs, testing that means nothing in the real world and does nothing to help you advance in your Primary years, and in my school, you had to pay... PAY for AP classes! In Fargo, they're free as long as you qualify. I think I'm covered now.